Name CostCategory
abyssaleel 2Alien raw fish
advancedcomponent 333Manufactured
aestheticnose 975Bionic
aestheticshaper 1383Bionic
agavefruit 2Vegetarian
airwireheadset 383Headgear
alcyonitechunk 8Raw resources
aliencompliancecenter 167Special
alpaca 583Animals
alpacameat 3Meat
alpacawool 4Wools
alphabeaver 417Animals
alphabeavermeat 3Meat
ambrosia 25Drugs
animalbed 136Furniture
animalistslab(broad) 508Furniture
animalistslab(medium) 342Furniture
animalsleepingbox 84Furniture
animusstone 8333Misc
antigrainwarhead 2000Mortar shells
archerytarget 248Recreation
architecapsule 1167Misc
archotecharm 4667Archotech
archotecheye 4667Archotech
archotechleg 4667Archotech
arcticfox 333Animals
arcticwolf 583Animals
ark 833Inert relics
armchair 450Furniture
armorskingland 2458Bionic
arrayheadset 600Headgear
arrowsign 20Misc
artbench 425Production
asphaltbucket 2Raw resources
assaultrifle 800Ranged weapons
authoritycap 92Headgear
autopistol 232Ranged weapons
axe 209Melee weapons
babydecoration 205Furniture
babyfood 2Foods
bandwidthpack 2275Utility
basicsubcore 333Manufactured
battery 333Power
bearmeat 3Meat
bearskin 6Leathers
bed 155Furniture
bedroll 137Furniture
beef 3Meat
beer 20Drugs
beret 141Headgear
berries 2Vegetarian
billboard 475Misc
billiardstable 600Furniture
bionicarm 1717Bionic
bionicear 1308Bionic
bioniceye 1717Bionic
bionicheart 1717Bionic
bionicleg 1717Bionic
bionicspine 1717Bionic
bionicstomach 1308Bionic
bionictongue 942Bionic
biosculpterpod 708Misc
birdmeat 3Meat
birdskin 3Leathers
bison 583Animals
bisonmeat 3Meat
bisonwool 4Wools
blackboard 56Furniture
blindfold 74Headgear
bloodbouquet 3Meat
bloodtorch 41Misc
bluefungus 2Vegetarian
bluefur 4Leathers
bolt-actionrifle 425Ranged weapons
bonsaipot 82Furniture
boomalope 583Animals
boomalopemeat 3Meat
boomrat 167Animals
boomratmeat 3Meat
bowlerhat 77Headgear
box 833Inert relics
brazier 167Furniture
breachaxe 197Melee weapons
brewery 350Production
broadwrap 111Headgear
brownbarrelcactus 1Vegetarian
bumbledronejelly 1Vegetarian
burka 224Misc
burnbong 517Misc
butchertable 302Production
button-downshirt 166Misc
cairn 50Misc
camelhide 4Leathers
cannibalplatter 220Misc
cape 367Noble apparel
capybara 250Animals
capybarameat 3Meat
caribou 500Animals
cariboumeat 3Meat
carnivorefinemeal 33Meals
carnivorelavishmeal 67Meals
cassowary 333Animals
cassowaryegg(fert.) 32Eggs (fert.)
cat 167Animals
cataphractarmor 5200Armor
cataphracthelmet 1242Headgear
catmeat 3Meat
chainshotgun 675Ranged weapons
chalice 833Inert relics
chargelance 2258Ranged weapons
chargerifle 1683Ranged weapons
chemfuel 4Manufactured
chesstable 281Furniture
chicken 83Animals
chickenegg(fert.) 12Eggs (fert.)
chickenegg(unfert.) 12Eggs (unfert.)
chickenmeat 3Meat
chinchilla 250Animals
chinchillafur 11Leathers
chinchillameat 3Meat
chocolate 5Foods
christmastree 263Misc
circadianassistant 1717Bionic
circadianhalf-cycler 1717Bionic
cloth 2Textiles
clothingrack 170Furniture
club 141Melee weapons
coagulator 1717Bionic
cobra 250Animals
cobraegg(fert.) 67Eggs (fert.)
cobrameat 3Meat
cochlearimplant 367Prosthetic
component 53Manufactured
controlpack 658Utility
controlsublink(high) 2000Mechtech
controlsublink(standard) 2000Mechtech
cordaxresin 17Raw resources
coresampledrill 1842Production
corn 2Vegetarian
coronet 215Headgear
corset 222Noble apparel
cougar 667Animals
cougarmeat 3Meat
cow 500Animals
cowboyhat 94Headgear
cragstoneblocks 2Stone blocks
cragstonechunk 7Stone chunks
crib 86Furniture
crown 322Headgear
crystalhorn 2Vegetarian
crystallinematrix 17Raw resources
crystallinewood 1Raw resources
cube 833Inert relics
darklightbrazier 167Furniture
deathacidifier 667Bionic
deathrestaccelerator 1183Misc
deathrestcapacityserum 1667Misc
deathrestcasket 492Misc
deepdrill 483Production
deer 417Animals
detoxifierkidney 1800Bionic
detoxifierlung 1542Bionic
detoxifierstomach 1717Bionic
devilstrand 9Textiles
diningchair 198Furniture
dogleather 3Leathers
donkey 533Animals
donkeymeat 3Meat
doomsdayrocketlauncher 1667Ranged weapons
doormat 8Furniture
doormat(blue) 8Furniture
doormat(green) 8Furniture
doormat(orange) 8Furniture
doormat(red) 8Furniture
doormat(teal) 8Furniture
doublebed 292Furniture
doublebedroll 290Furniture
doubleshelf 224Furniture
drape 608Furniture
dresser 179Furniture
dribblingcappoisondart 7Grenades
drillarm 708Prosthetic
dromedary 500Animals
dromedarymeat 3Meat
druglab 742Production
drum 205Recreation
duck 100Animals
duckegg(fert.) 12Eggs (fert.)
duckegg(unfert.) 12Eggs (unfert.)
duckmeat 3Meat
duster 327Misc
dye 4Plant matter
effigy 178Misc
eggbox 79Misc
elbowblade 592Prosthetic
electricsmelter 667Production
electricsmithy 492Production
electricstove 375Production
electrictailorbench 533Production
elephant 1000Animals
elephantleather 5Leathers
elephantmeat 3Meat
elephanttusk 133Misc
elk 500Animals
elkmeat 3Meat
eltexhelmet 833Headgear
eltexrobe 1000Misc
eltexshirt 667Misc
eltexskullcap 833Headgear
eltexstaff 3333Melee weapons
eltexvest 833Misc
embryo 83Misc
empgrenades 525Grenades
emplauncher 842Ranged weapons
empshell 92Mortar shells
emu 333Animals
emuegg(fert.) 30Eggs (fert.)
endtable 106Furniture
exoticsmelter 542Production
facemask 38Headgear
fennecfox 333Animals
fermentingbarrel 95Production
fieldhand 708Prosthetic
finemeal 33Meals
firefoampoppack 239Utility
firefoampopper 300Misc
firefoamshell 92Mortar shells
flake 23Drugs
flakhelmet 442Headgear
flakjacket 483Armor
flakpants 375Armor
flakvest 375Armor
flamebow 75Ranged weapons
flatscreentelevision 1533Recreation
flophat 74Headgear
foamturret 1025Security
foodbasket 270Furniture
formalshirt 253Noble apparel
formalvest 222Noble apparel
forsakenanglerfish 2Alien raw fish
foxfur 6Leathers
foxmeat 3Meat
fraggrenades 442Grenades
fragment 833Inert relics
frigidswimmer 3Alien raw fish
fueledsmithy 333Production
fueledstove 265Production
game-of-urboard 153Furniture
gasmask 176Headgear
gastro-analyzer 1383Bionic
gauranlenseed 117Misc
gazelle 250Animals
gazellemeat 3Meat
genebank 242Production
genepack 167Misc
giantpolarprawn 2Alien raw fish
giantsunflowerseeds 2Vegetarian
gibbetcage 210Misc
gladius 239Melee weapons
glitterworldmedicine 83Medicine
gloomlight 333Special
glowpod 83Special
glucosoidpump 858Misc
go-juice 88Drugs
goat 333Animals
goatmeat 3Meat
gold 17Raw resources
goose 150Animals
gooseegg(fert.) 18Eggs (fert.)
gooseegg(unfert.) 15Eggs (unfert.)
grandmeditationthrone 2492Furniture
grandsculpture 1967Art
graniteblocks 2Stone blocks
granitechunk 11Stone chunks
greatbow 174Ranged weapons
grenadierarmor 3842Armor
grizzlybear 1167Animals
groundplaque 458Misc
guineapig 250Animals
guineapigfur 8Leathers
guineapigmeat 3Meat
gunlink 575Headgear
habdaklongfin 9Alien raw fish
hampers 383Furniture
handtailorbench 262Production
handtalon 592Prosthetic
hangingsign 20Misc
hangingsign 17Misc
hardenedslimechunk 8Stone chunks
hare 83Animals
haremeat 3Meat
harp 408Recreation
harpsichord 692Recreation
hay 1Foods
hayloft 287Furniture
hazardsign 32Misc
headwrap 75Headgear
healermechserum 2167Misc
healingenhancer 1717Bionic
heart 833Natural
heater 218Temperature
heavybandolier 271Misc
heavyfur 6Leathers
heavysmg 592Ranged weapons
hemogenamplifier 917Misc
hemogenpack 8Foods
hemopump 600Misc
herbalmedicine 17Medicine
high-explosiveshell 92Mortar shells
highsubcore 1667Manufactured
highwaysign 32Misc
hilt 833Inert relics
holographicsign 244Misc
hood 174Headgear
hoopstonering 67Recreation
hops 2Plant matter
horse 917Animals
horsemeat 3Meat
horseshoespin 34Recreation
hospitalbed 667Furniture
housesign 20Misc
humanleather 7Leathers
humanmeat 1Meat
husky 417Animals
huskymeat 3Meat
hyperweave 15Textiles
iashiphusfruit 1Vegetarian
ibex 417Animals
ibexmeat 3Meat
iedantigrainwarheadtrap 2008Security
iedemptrap 192Security
iedfirefoamtrap 192Security
iedincendiarytrap 192Security
iedsmoketrap 192Security
iedtartrap 267Security
iedtoxtrap 192Security
iedtrap 192Security
iguana 167Animals
iguanaegg(fert.) 42Eggs (fert.)
iguanameat 3Meat
ikwa 197Melee weapons
immaturedryadmeat 3Meat
immunoenhancer 1717Bionic
incendiarylauncher 567Ranged weapons
incendiaryshell 92Mortar shells
incenseshrine 272Misc
industrialsign 32Misc
infinitechemreactor 2500Special
insectjelly 13Animal products
insectmeat 1Meat
integratorheadset 4058Headgear
jacket 275Misc
jade 8Raw resources
jellyfungus 2Alien raw fish
joywire 367Prosthetic
jumppack 1075Utility
kibble 2Foods
kidhelmet 79Headgear
kidney 417Natural
kidpants 74Misc
kidparka 172Misc
kidromper 112Misc
kidshirt 74Misc
kidtribalwear 108Misc
kneelpillow 98Furniture
kneelsheet 281Furniture
kneespike 592Prosthetic
knife 111Melee weapons
labradorretriever 417Animals
labradorretrievermeat 3Meat
ladieshat 203Headgear
largedoormat 13Furniture
largedoormat(blue) 13Furniture
largedoormat(green) 13Furniture
largedoormat(orange) 13Furniture
largedoormat(red) 13Furniture
largedoormat(teal) 13Furniture
largenatureshrine 1183Misc
largesculpture 517Art
largewallsign 127Misc
lavishmeal 67Meals
learningassistant 1717Bionic
lectern 227Misc
lightball 154Misc
lightleather 3Leathers
limestoneblocks 2Stone blocks
limestonechunk 8Stone chunks
liver 833Natural
lizardskin 3Leathers
lmg 708Ranged weapons
locustarmor 3717Armor
longsword 442Melee weapons
loudspeaker 367Misc
loveenhancer 1717Bionic
low-shieldpack 717Utility
luciferium 117Drugs
lung 667Natural
lynx 417Animals
lynxmeat 3Meat
mace 203Melee weapons
machinepistol 367Ranged weapons
machiningtable 758Production
marbleblocks 2Stone blocks
marblechunk 5Stone chunks
marinearmor 3392Armor
marinehelmet 1058Headgear
martialartstarget 251Recreation
mealtrayrack 255Furniture
meathook 254Furniture
mechanoidtransponder 333Misc
mechbooster 575Misc
mechcommanderhelmet 2150Headgear
mechgestationprocessor 2000Mechtech
mechlink 833Mechtech
mechlordhelmet 8892Headgear
mechlordsuit 11692Armor
medicine 30Medicine
medicinecabinet 203Furniture
meditationthrone 475Furniture
megascarab 167Animals
megascreentelevision 2475Recreation
megasloth 1167Animals
megaslothmeat 3Meat
megaslothwool 4Wools
megaspider 833Animals
milk 5Animal products
mindscrew 350Prosthetic
mini-turret 492Security
minigun 1933Ranged weapons
molotovcocktails 408Grenades
monkey 167Animals
monkeymeat 3Meat
monosword 3333Melee weapons
morbidslab(broad) 508Furniture
morbidslab(medium) 342Furniture
mortar 1058Security
mudsplashercarp 2Alien raw fish
mudstoneblocks 1Stone blocks
mudstonechunk 6Stone chunks
muffalo 500Animals
muffalomeat 3Meat
muffalowool 4Wools
multi-analyzer 1700Misc
mushroomstalks 2Raw resources
mutantflatfish 1Alien raw fish
nanostructuringchip 2500Manufactured
naturesign 72Misc
neoncocktailsign 63Misc
neonopensign 63Misc
neuralsupercharger 408Misc
neurocalculator 1717Bionic
neutroamine 10Manufactured
nuclearstomach 1717Bionic
nutrientpastemeal 17Meals
obelisksign 284Misc
obsidianblocks 2Stone blocks
obsidianchunk 12Stone chunks
ocularfish 3Alien raw fish
oculargasspewer 304Misc
orbitalbombardmenttargeter 2000Utility
orbitalmechclustertargeter 2000Utility
orbitalpowerbeamtargeter 2000Utility
orbitaltradebeacon 185Misc
ostrich 417Animals
ostrichegg(fert.) 38Eggs (fert.)
ovum 83Misc
packagedsurvivalmeal 40Meals
painstopper 367Prosthetic
pallet 220Furniture
palletwithwrapping 321Furniture
panelsign 127Misc
panther 667Animals
pantherafur 5Leathers
panthermeat 3Meat
pants 143Misc
parka 315Misc
patchleather 2Leathers
pemmican 2Foods
pendant 833Inert relics
penmarker 104Misc
penoxycyline 30Drugs
personacore 6667Misc
personamonosword 5000Persona weapons
personaplasmasword 5000Persona weapons
personazeushammer 5000Persona weapons
pew 350Furniture
phoenixarmor 5800Armor
piano 1117Recreation
pig 333Animals
pigskin 3Leathers
pila 182Ranged weapons
pinkblobfish 2Alien raw fish
pinkfungus 2Vegetarian
plainleather 3Leathers
plantpot 68Furniture
plasmasword 3333Melee weapons
plasteel 15Raw resources
platearmor 792Armor
pokertable 400Furniture
polarbear 1167Animals
pollutionpump 315Misc
poluxseed 2000Misc
pork 3Meat
potatoes 2Vegetarian
powerclaw 642Prosthetic
powerfocuschip 1667Manufactured
prestigecataphractarmor 6550Armor
prestigecataphracthelmet 1925Headgear
prestigemarinearmor 4217Armor
prestigemarinehelmet 1417Headgear
prestigereconarmor 3292Armor
prestigereconhelmet 1192Headgear
prestigerobe 450Noble apparel
processedresin 75Raw resources
propanefueltank 4Manufactured
propaneheater 188Temperature
propanestove 252Production
prostheticarm 433Prosthetic
prostheticheart 383Prosthetic
prostheticleg 433Prosthetic
psychicanimalpulser 1167Artifacts
psychicemanator 2167Special
psychicfoilhelmet 417Headgear
psychicharmonizer 1333Archotech
psychicinsanitylance 1083Utility
psychicreader 1667Archotech
psychicsensitizer 1667Archotech
psychicshocklance 917Utility
psychicsoothepulser 1000Artifacts
psychitetea 17Drugs
psychofluidpump 2042Misc
psychoidleaves 3Plant matter
psychotropicfungus 3Drugs
psylinkneuroformer 4333Archotech
psytrainer(beckon) 917Psytrainers
psytrainer(berserk) 1417Psytrainers
psytrainer(berserkpulse) 1667Psytrainers
psytrainer(blindingpulse) 667Psytrainers
psytrainer(burden) 417Psytrainers
psytrainer(chaosskip) 917Psytrainers
psytrainer(chunkskip) 417Psytrainers
psytrainer(farskip) 1417Psytrainers
psytrainer(flashstorm) 1417Psytrainers
psytrainer(focus) 1167Psytrainers
psytrainer(invisibility) 1417Psytrainers
psytrainer(manhunterpulse) 1667Psytrainers
psytrainer(masschaosskip) 1667Psytrainers
psytrainer(neuralheatdump) 667Psytrainers
psytrainer(neuroquake) 1667Psytrainers
psytrainer(painblock) 417Psytrainers
psytrainer(skip) 1167Psytrainers
psytrainer(skipshield) 1667Psytrainers
psytrainer(smokepop) 1167Psytrainers
psytrainer(solarpinhole) 417Psytrainers
psytrainer(stun) 417Psytrainers
psytrainer(vertigopulse) 917Psytrainers
psytrainer(wallraise) 1167Psytrainers
psytrainer(waterskip) 667Psytrainers
psytrainer(wordofinspiration) 1417Psytrainers
psytrainer(wordofjoy) 667Psytrainers
psytrainer(wordoflove) 917Psytrainers
psytrainer(wordofserenity) 1167Psytrainers
psytrainer(wordoftrust) 417Psytrainers
pumpshotgun 425Ranged weapons
purplefungus 2Vegetarian
pyre 230Misc
raccoon 167Animals
raccoonmeat 3Meat
rat 58Animals
ratmeat 3Meat
rawfungus 2Vegetarian
rawrimenodules 2Drugs
reconarmor 2567Armor
reconhelmet 875Headgear
recurvebow 110Ranged weapons
redfox 333Animals
redwood 2Raw resources
reinforcedbarrel 1000Misc
remoterepairer 2000Mechtech
remoteshielder 2000Mechtech
repairprobe 2000Mechtech
reprocessorstomach 1717Bionic
resurrectormechserum 2833Misc
revolver 226Ranged weapons
rhinoceros 1167Animals
rhinocerosleather 7Leathers
rhinocerosmeat 3Meat
rice 2Vegetarian
roadledsign 475Misc
robe 297Misc
roomsign 33Misc
rosequartzblocks 2Stone blocks
rosequartzchunk 5Stone chunks
royalbed 1467Furniture
rusticarchsign 261Misc
rusticrug(broad) 383Furniture
rusticrug(medium) 256Furniture
sacrificialflag 198Misc
safe 1017Furniture
sandstoneblocks 2Stone blocks
sandstonechunk 5Stone chunks
sash 89Misc
schooldesk 104Furniture
shadecone 94Headgear
shadowfry 1Alien raw fish
sheep 350Animals
sheepmeat 3Meat
sheepwool 4Wools
shelf 104Furniture
shieldbelt 650Utility
shieldcore 583Misc
shiplandingbeacon 185Misc
shootingtarget 325Recreation
shortbow 74Ranged weapons
signalchip 833Manufactured
silver 2Raw resources
simplehelmet 153Headgear
simplemeal 25Meals
simpleresearchbench 350Production
simplesign 33Misc
skilltrainer(animals) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(artistic) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(construction) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(cooking) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(crafting) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(intellectual) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(medical) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(melee) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(mining) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(plants) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(shooting) 1250Skilltrainers
skilltrainer(social) 1250Skilltrainers
skip 305Furniture
skull 8Misc
skullspike 101Misc
slabbed 102Furniture
slabdoublebed 288Furniture
slabsign 235Misc
slateblocks 2Stone blocks
slatechunk 6Stone chunks
slavebodystrap 275Misc
slavecollar 94Headgear
sleepaccelerator 458Misc
slicecap 62Headgear
slime 1Vegetarian
slimefish 9Alien raw fish
slimemeal 17Meals
smallnatureshrine 592Misc
smallsculpture 275Art
smallshelf 35Furniture
smokelauncher 633Ranged weapons
smokeleafjoint 18Drugs
smokeleafleaves 3Plant matter
smokepoppack 277Utility
smokeshell 92Mortar shells
sniperrifle 883Ranged weapons
snowhare 83Animals
spear 322Melee weapons
spelopede 333Animals
spiderfish 2Alien raw fish
spikecorefloor-star(broad) 483Furniture
spikecorefloor-star(medium) 323Furniture
spiketrap 169Security
spinyfish 2Alien raw fish
squirrel 58Animals
squirrelmeat 3Meat
standardsubcore 500Manufactured
standinglamp 65Furniture
steel 3Raw resources
steelslagchunk 11Chunks
stelliccrown 283Headgear
stonecutter'stable 358Production
stoneskingland 3200Bionic
stool 86Furniture
sturgeon 7Alien raw fish
stylingstation 375Furniture
subcoreencoder 525Production
sugarfamewort 2Vegetarian
sunlamp 129Furniture
synthread 7Textiles
t-shirt 143Misc
table(1x2) 98Furniture
table(2x2) 176Furniture
table(2x4) 333Furniture
table(3x3) 350Furniture
tablet 833Inert relics
tailcap 75Headgear
tallshelves 550Furniture
tarshell 92Mortar shells
techprint(artificialmetabolism) 3333Techprints
techprint(brainwiring) 1667Techprints
techprint(cataphractarmor) 5000Techprints
techprint(circadianinfluence) 3333Techprints
techprint(compactweaponry) 1667Techprints
techprint(fleshshaping) 3333Techprints
techprint(healingfactors) 3333Techprints
techprint(jumppacks) 3333Techprints
techprint(molecularanalysis) 3333Techprints
techprint(neuralcomputation) 3333Techprints
techprint(poisonsynthesis) 1667Techprints
techprint(skinhardening) 3333Techprints
techprint(specializedlimbs) 1667Techprints
techprofsubpersonacore 1667Misc
telescope 583Recreation
terrorsculpture 517Art
thrumbo 6667Animals
thrumbofur 23Leathers
thrumbohorn 1333Misc
thrumbomeat 3Meat
timberwolf 583Animals
toolcabinet 642Misc
tophat 203Headgear
tornadogenerator 1333Utility
tortoise 333Animals
tortoiseegg(fert.) 38Eggs (fert.)
tortoisemeat 3Meat
torturecrown 91Headgear
totemicslab(broad) 508Furniture
totemicslab(medium) 342Furniture
toughskingland 1717Bionic
toxalope 583Animals
toxalopemeat 3Meat
toxbomblauncher 633Ranged weapons
toxgrenades 525Grenades
toxipotatoes 1Vegetarian
toxpack 219Utility
toxshell 92Mortar shells
tribalheaddress 203Headgear
tribalwear 211Misc
triplerocketlauncher 1667Ranged weapons
tubetelevision 525Recreation
tuque 74Headgear
turkey 167Animals
turkeyegg(fert.) 18Eggs (fert.)
turkeymeat 3Meat
unstablepowercell 667Special
uranium 10Raw resources
urn 70Furniture
vanometricpowercell 2000Special
vegetarianfinemeal 33Meals
vegetarianlavishmeal 67Meals
venison 3Meat
venomfangs 592Prosthetic
venomtalon 592Prosthetic
visagemask 62Headgear
vitalsmonitor 358Misc
wake-up 58Drugs
wallsign 20Misc
wallsign 32Misc
warg 750Animals
wargmeat 3Meat
warhammer 608Melee weapons
warmask 101Headgear
warveil 75Headgear
weaponscabinet 254Furniture
weaponslocker 237Furniture
wetfloorsign 16Misc
wildboar 333Animals
wolfmeat 3Meat
wolfskin 5Leathers
wood 2Raw resources
woodenarchsign 201Misc
woodenpanelsign 140Misc
woodensigns 40Misc
wort 4Manufactured
yak 533Animals
yakbeef 3Meat
yayo 35Drugs
yorkshireterrier 167Animals
yorkshireterriermeat 3Meat
zeushammer 3333Melee weapons
Name Cost Karma Type
alphabeavers 600 Bad
ambrosiasprout 150 Good
animaltame 150 Good
aurora 200 Good
blight 700 Bad
clearweather 400 Good
coldsnap 800 Bad
disease 1000 Bad
dropraid 1500 Bad
drythunderstorm 450 Bad
eclipse 450 Bad
farmanimals 400 Good
flashstorm 400 Bad
fog 300 Neutral
foggyrain 300 Neutral
genderswap 600 Neutral
heatwave 750 Bad
herdmigration 200 Good
hodlbotvote 600 Neutral
infestation 2500 Bad
levelskill 1500 Good
madanimal 200 Bad
manhunterpack 1500 Bad
maninblack 350 Good
mechanoidraid 2500 Bad
meteor 150 Neutral
militaryaid 700 Good
orbitaltraderarrival 350 Good
party 400 Good
pawn See prices in the pawn kinds section Good
predators 2500 Bad
prisoner 800 Good
psychicdrone 400 Bad
psychicsoothe 250 Good
raid 1500 Bad
rain 350 Good
rainythunderstorm 250 Neutral
randomdisease 1000 Bad
randominspire 450 Good
rarethrumbos 500 Good
removetrait See prices in the traits section Good
resourcepodcrash 300 Good
reviveanypawn 1200 Good
sapperraid 1500 Bad
shipchunkdrop 300 Good
shippartpoison 1900 Bad
shippartpsychic 2400 Bad
shortcircuit 500 Bad
siegeraid 2500 Bad
skillincrease 200 Good
snowgentle 350 Neutral
snowhard 450 Bad
solarflare 500 Bad
tornado 800 Bad
tornados 2600 Bad
torytalkervote 750 Neutral
toxicfallout 6500 Doom
tradercaravan 275 Good
trait See prices in the traits section Good
travelergroup 80 Good
visitcolony 300 Good
visitorgroup 200 Good
volcanicwinter 3200 Doom
vomitrain 650 Neutral
wildman 300 Good
NameDescriptionAdd Cost Remove Cost
abrasive Timmy always says exactly what's on his mind, especially if it's bugging him. That tends to rub people the wrong way.35005500
absent-minded Timmy tends to occasionally allow their mind to drift, even in the middle of working.35005500
academian Whether through studying ancient manuscripts or years of scholastic pursuit Timmy is surprisingly well read on a variety of topics, particularly science and medical practice.35005500
animalhater Timmy believes deeply in human superiority. Killing animals will please them and the colony losing an animal is a cherry on top according to them.35005500
animallover Timmy can't stand mistreatment of animals. he will feel happier being nuzzled or being a master to a bonded animal, but will be more deeply crushed when not master of a bonded animal or seeing one die. They also refuse to butcher.35005500
annoyingvoice Timmy's voice has a particularly grating, nasal quality to it, and he tends to talk in barked, garbled phrases. This predisposes others to dislike him.35005500
anxious Timmy feels naturally anxious, but especially from social situations. They will not attend any gatherings and may occasionally need alone time in their room to breathe.35005500
ascetic Timmy has forsaken physical comforts and enjoyments in favor of a simple, pure lifestyle. he will become unhappy if he has a bedroom that's too impressive. he also dislikes fancy food and prefers to eat raw. he never judges others by their appearance.35005500
asexual Timmy has no sexual attraction to anyone at all.35005500
beautiful Timmy is exceptionally beautiful, with an exotic-yet-familiar facial structure and an arresting gaze. People are attracted to him before he even opens his mouth.35005500
big-boned Whether because they're a bit chunky or because they shift their weight oddly, Timmy has broken a few chairs in their time and is likely to break more.35005500
bisexual Timmy is romantically attracted to both men and women.35005500
bloodlust Timmy gets a rush from hurting people, and never minds the sight of blood or death. he is four times as likely to start a social fight as others.35005500
bodymodder Timmy feels limited in his feeble human body. he often dreams of being enhanced with artificial body parts or xenogenetics.35005500
bodypurist Timmy believes the human body is limited for a reason. To him, artificial body parts and xenogenes are unethical and disgusting.35005500
brave Timmy has a higher mental and physical fortitude compared to most and can more readily adapt to harsh environments in the rimworlds.35005500
brawler Timmy likes to fight up close and personal. his accuracy is greatly increased in melee combat, but he'll be very unhappy if asked to carry a ranged weapon.35005500
cannibal Timmy was taught that eating human meat is wrong and horrible. But one time, long ago, he tried it... and he liked it.35005500
carefulshooter Timmy takes more time to aim when shooting. he shoots less often than others, but with more accuracy.35005500
catperson Timmy is mad for all things feline. They will naturally gravitate towards bonding with cats, however they're not a fan of dogs.35005500
chemicalfascination Timmy is utterly fascinated with chemical sources of enjoyment. Consuming recreational drugs will create a good mood, while abstaining will lead to increasing frustration over time and possibly drug binges. he will ignore directives to not use recreational drugs, and will consume more than a normal person.35005500
chemicalinterest Timmy has an unusual interest in chemical sources of enjoyment. Consuming recreational drugs will create a good mood, while abstaining will lead to increasing frustration over time and possible drug binges. he will ignore directives to not use recreational drugs, and will consume more than a normal person.35005500
clumsy Minor bruises and scrapes plague Timmy all too often, mostly due to uncoordinated tripping or falling.35005500
coldinclined Timmy loves the overcast and cold of a brisk winter night. They don't mind getting chilly or sleeping in the cold either.35005500
couchpotato An armchair and flatscreen is all Timmy needs to be happy. Even reruns or ancient commercials are entertaining to them, they will never grow bored of television and tend to watch it more, as well as feel pleased after doing so.35005500
coward While fully capable of warfare in theory, Timmy's fight or flight instincts heavily lean towards flight, and he will try to hide or run as a first priority.35005500
creepybreathing Timmy breathes heavily all the time, and sweats constantly. People find it creepy.35005500
delicate Timmy has fragile skin and bones. he takes more damage than other people from the same blows.35005500
depressive Timmy is perenially unhappy. he has trouble sustaining a good mood even when everything is fine.35005500
desensitized Timmy is hardened through what can only be presumed as old emotional trauma. They feel absolutely nothing from lost animals, colonists, family, prisoners or dead bodies.35005500
dogperson Timmy is mad for all things canine. They will naturally gravitate towards bonding with dogs, however they're not a fan of cats.35005500
drunkenmaster Timmy is supposedly a hand-to-hand combat specialist, but only when inebriated. They claim to become more talented the more drunk they are.35005500
dunce Timmy has hindered mental capacities. While slow to learn and hard to speak with, they tend to be much happier naturally.35005500
eccentric Timmy has a loose screw or two, a small trade off for being naturally scientifically inclined.35005500
ecologist Flora and fauna are both vital to Timmy. They use all parts of plants and animals and strongly appreciate mother Gaia's blessings.35005500
fastlearner Timmy has a knack for learning. he picks things up much faster than others.35005500
fastwalker Timmy likes to be where he's going. he walks quicker than most people.35005500
fun-loving Timmy always recalls the good times and lives to party, any party attended will be remembered for many times longer than most.35005500
gastronomist In the eyes of Timmy food is art, their culinary creations are incredibly beautiful, amazing to taste, and almost always safe to eat.35005500
gay Timmy is romantically attracted to people of his own gender.35005500
gourmand Timmy's life revolves around food. he gets hungry quickly, and will occasionally be overcome with the urge to eat ravenously, even when not hungry.35005500
greatmemory Timmy has a fantastic memory for detail. he will lose unused skills at half the rate of other people.35005500
greedy Timmy needs a really impressive bedroom. he gets a mood loss if he doesn't get what he wants.35005500
groundbreaker Timmy strongly believes infrastucture rules all and is a natural born stoneworker.35005500
hardworker Timmy is a natural hard worker and will finish tasks faster than most.35005500
heatinclined Timmy loves the brightness and heat of a dry summer day. They don't mind working up a sweat or sleeping in the warmth either.35005500
heavysleeper A bomb could go off next to Timmy while they sleep and they'd continue to do so. They can't be bothered to defend the colony mid catnap, either.35005500
industrious Timmy has an easy time staying on-task and focused, and gets things done much faster than the average person.35005500
insatiable No amount of lovin' is enough lovin' for Timmy. he will tend to jump from partner to partner and tumble between the sheets with them frequently.35005500
insomniac Timmy is never really asleep or awake. he is almost zombie like, lurching along and working very slowly, and will only sleep once every three days or so.35005500
iron-willed Timmy's will is an iron shield. he keeps going through thick and thin, when others broke down long before.35005500
ironstomach Timmy has never felt nausea in his life. Throwing up or food poisoning is foreign to him.35005500
jealous For Timmy, it's degrading to have a less impressive bedroom than someone else. he gets a mood loss if any colonist has a more impressive bedroom.35005500
jogger Timmy always moves with a sense of urgency - so much so that others often fail to keep up.35005500
kind Timmy is an exceptionally agreeable and giving person. he rarely insults others and will sometimes offer kind words to brighten the moods of those around him. he also never judges people by their appearance. his agreeableness also makes him more likely to conform to prevailing opinions.35005500
kleptomaniac Timmy is compulsive to steal and take things that don't belong to them, even if it means angering the other party.35005500
lazy Timmy is a little bit lazy.35005500
lush Alcohol culture is just part of life for Timmy. he absolutely adores booze and would rather die before giving it up.35005500
madsurgeon Timmy has a twisted secret. he treats organ harvesting like a sick experiment, and does not even blink at the idea. While harvesting one will make them happy, going too long without giving in to their compulsion will upset them.35005500
martialartist Timmy learned a specific move in melee combat which allows them to disarm opponents and will use it frequently.35005500
masochist For Timmy, there's something exciting about getting hurt. he doesn't know why, he's just wired differently.35005500
menagerist Timmy believes animals are integral to the way society and life functions from furry friends to sources of food. They love having as many as possible and are particularly good at taming and training them.35005500
misandrist Timmy really dislikes and distrusts men.35005500
misogynist Timmy really dislikes and distrusts women.35005500
mountainlover The mountains call to Timmy. he feels happier just being near a large mountain.35005500
neat Timmy is naturally hygenic and organized. They will not track in dirt or throw trash anywhere, and feel happy while cleaning.35005500
nervous Timmy tends to crack under pressure.35005500
neurotic Timmy likes to have things squared away. he will work harder than most to attain this state of affairs, but his nerves can get the better of him.35005500
nightowl Timmy likes to be up during the night, and sleep during the day. he gets a mood bonus if awake at night (23h-6h) and mood loss if awake during the day (11h-18h). he doesn't get a mood penalty for being in the dark.35005500
nimble Timmy has remarkable kinesthetic intelligence. he seems to dance around danger with preternatural grace.35005500
nudist Timmy enjoys the feeling of freedom that comes from being nude. he can handle clothing, but will be happier without it.35005500
oceanlover The sea calls to Timmy. he feels happier just being near the ocean or a deep river.35005500
optimist Timmy is naturally optimistic about life. It's hard to get him down.35005500
perfectionist Timmy strives for perfection in his work. They will naturally produce better quality products at the expense of time. However, making a low quality product will upset them. Additionally, they may very rarely quit a project mid attempt if they don't like the direction its going in.35005500
pessimist Timmy tends to look on the bad side of life.35005500
pretty Timmy has a pretty face, which predisposes people to like him.35005500
prodigy Timmy is a natural scientist. They research much faster and recall things better. However, they'll be upset without a laboratory dedicated to their work and tend to stress out more frequently.35005500
prude Timmy refuses to give their body to anybody but their spouse and would never fathom initiating a divorce. They also hate being nude much more than other pawns.35005500
psychicallydeaf Timmy's mind works on a psychic frequency different from everyone else. he just isn't affected by psychic phenomena.35005500
psychicallydull Timmy's mind is psychically out of tune with others. he isn't as affected by psychic phenomena.35005500
psychicallyhypersensitive Timmy's mind is like a psychic tuning fork. he is extremely sensitive to psychic phenomena.35005500
psychicallysensitive Timmy's mind is unusually sensitive to psychic phenomena.35005500
psychopath Timmy has no empathy. The suffering of others doesn't bother him at all. he doesn't mind if others are butchered, left unburied, imprisoned, or sold to slavery - unless it affects him. he also feels no mood boost from socializing.35005500
pyromaniac Timmy loves fire. he will never extinguish fires, and will occasionally go on random fire starting sprees. he will be happy around flames, and happier when wielding an incendiary weapon.35005500
quicksleeper Timmy doesn't need as much sleep as the average person. Whether he's sleeping on a bed or on the ground, he will be fully rested in about two thirds the usual time.35005500
rebel Timmy only plays by their own rules, and will roll their eyes and take it easy while doing any task they've been forced to do.35005500
recluse The fewer people in Timmy's faction, the happier he is. Being alone is best of all.35005500
refinedpalate Only the finest of culinary creations may grace the lips of Timmy. They feel neutral towards mundane meals, but will laud and savour lavish meals down to the last bite.35005500
sanguine Timmy is just naturally upbeat about his situation, pretty much all the time, no matter what it is.35005500
schizoid Timmy has trouble expressing themselves until its all too much to bear, whereafter they will have an utter meltdown.35005500
sickly Timmy has an awful immune system. he gets sick more often than usual, frequently with illnesses that nobody in the colony has been afflicted by.35005500
slob Timmy is sloppy naturally and leaves trash and dirt everywhere it seems. At least they're not much bothered by messes.35005500
slothful Timmy loves idleness and hates anything productive. he moves slowly and rarely stays focused on a task.35005500
slowlearner Timmy is slow on the uptake. he learns much slower than others.35005500
slowpoke Timmy is always falling behind the group whenever he goes anywhere.35005500
snob Timmy believes they belong in high society, and loves nothing more than critiquing art and brushing elbows with royalty.35005500
squeamish Sour stomach plagues Timmy any time they're around too much blood or rotting corpses. Vomiting is just part of life for him.35005500
staggeringlyugly Timmy is staggeringly ugly. his face looks like a cross between a drawing by an untalented child, a malformed fetus in a jar of formaldehyde, and a piece of modern art. Others must exert conscious effort to look at him while conversing.35005500
steadfast Timmy is mentally tough and won't break down under stresses that would crack most people.35005500
stoner Smokeleaf culture is just part of life for Timmy. he absolutely adores smokeleaf and would rather die before giving it up.35005500
submissive Timmy needs clear instructions on how, and when to do certain things and will only work at a normal speed when being forced to do something.35005500
super-immune Timmy has a naturally powerful immune system. he will gain immunity much faster than a normal person would, and can survive illnesses that would kill others.35005500
technophobe Whether by past trauma or fear of change, Timmy rejects modernity. They may randomly punch or attack mechanical devices and refuse to learn or research anything about them. They also love killing mechanoids.35005500
teetotaler Timmy abhors the idea of gaining pleasure from chemicals. he strictly avoids alcohol and recreational drugs.35005500
thickskinned Timmy is strangely hypercoagulating and will bleed much more slowly than most.35005500
thinskinned Timmy is strangely hemophilic and tends to bleed much more profusely than others.35005500
toosmart Timmy is too smart for his own good. he learns everything much faster than everyone, but can be quite eccentric.35005500
torturedartist Timmy feels alienated and misunderstood by other human beings. he will have a constant mood debuff, but gain a chance (50%) to get a creativity inspiration after a mental break.35005500
tough Timmy has thick skin, dense flesh, and durable bones. he takes much less damage than other people from the same blows. he is extremely hard to kill.35005500
trigger-happy Pew! Pew! Pew! Timmy just likes pulling the trigger. he shoots faster than others, but less accurately.35005500
tycoon Timmy has an eye for silver and a tongue made from it. They believe their products are the best products and he will likely convince you if given the chance.35005500
ugly Timmy is somewhat ugly. This subtly repels others during social interactions.35005500
undergrounder Timmy has no need to experience the outdoors or light. he will never feel cooped up or get cabin fever, no matter how long he stays inside, and is not bothered by darkness.35005500
vengeful Timmy is fueled by spite. They can't stand walking on the same soil as their rivals and will be elated by news of their life ending.35005500
veryneurotic Timmy feels constantly nervous about everything that has to get done. he will work extremely hard to attain this state of affairs, but his nerves can easily get the better of him.35005500
volatile Timmy is on a hair-trigger all the time. he is the first to break in any tough situation.35005500
wanderlust Timmy loves to travel and does so swiftly, but can grow upset if they haven't done so in a while. They are also quite adept at foraging while traveling.35005500
wimp Timmy is weak and cowardly. Even a little pain will immobilize him.35005500
workaholic Timmy has problems taking breaks or resting mid job. he will continue to work even sacrificing their health or sleep.35005500
worldweary Timmy has grown tired of the world and needs to be constantly distracted to stop dark thoughts. his bleak personality is a big downer and therefore it is very hard to become friends with them.35005500
xenophile Timmy thinks aliens are exotic and interesting. They would love to get to know them more and wouldn't mind forming relationships with them.35005500
xenophobe Timmy hates and distrusts xenos. They see them as little more than animals.35005500
Name Cost
human 2917