CommandUser LevelDescription
Abandon pawnAnyoneMakes your pawn leave the colony.
Add passionAnyoneUpgrades a skill's passion... sometimes.
Add traitAnyone
All commandsAnyone
BackpackAnyoneIt's like buy item, but it gets added to your inventory if possible.
ChatAnyoneMakes your pawn chat with a random pawn. If a viewer is specified, you'll chat with their pawn instead.
Check balanceAnyoneShows your current balance, karma, and optionally, the amount of coins earned per cycle.
Check userModeratorShows the balance of a given user.
Clean the MapAnyone
Colonist countAnyone
Colony wealthAnyone
DatabaseAnyoneProvides some information about supported things. Supported categories are: 'weapons'
Deep chatAnyoneMakes your pawn have a deep chat a random pawn. If a viewer is specified, you'll have a deep chat with their pawn instead.
Dye apparelAnyone
Fix all pawnsModerator
Fix viewer pawnAnyone
FlirtAnyoneMakes your pawn flirt with a random pawn. If a viewer is specified, you'll flirt with their pawn instead.
Full healAnyone
Gift coinsAnyoneGives a viewer some of your coins.
Give all coinsModeratorGives eveyrone coins.
Give coinsModeratorGives a viewer coins.
Heal any pawnAnyone
Heal meAnyone
Installed modsAnyoneShows you the complete list of installed mods.
InsultAnyoneMakes your pawn insult a random pawn. If a viewer is specified, you'll insult them instead.
Join queueAnyone
Karma explanationAnyone
Karma roundModeratorAwards all active viewers coins.
Level skillAnyoneLets you wager coins to level up a skill of your choosing.
LookupAnyoneShows the first few results for the query in the given category. Valid categories are: 'pawns', 'traits', 'items', 'events', 'diseases', 'animals', and 'skills'.
Mod infoAnyone
Mod settingsAnyone
Passion shuffleAnyoneShuffles your passions. If a skill is specified, you'll be guaranteed a minor passion in it.
Price checkAnyoneSimilar to the lookup command, except it'll show the price for the first valid match.
Purchase listAnyone
Refresh viewersModeratorUpdates the current list of active viewers.
Remove passionAnyoneDowngrades a skill's passion... sometimes.
Remove traitAnyone
Replace traitAnyoneReplaces a trait with a different trait.
Rescue meAnyone
ResearchAnyoneShows the current research progress. If a project is specified, it'll show the progress of that instead.
Revive allAnyone
Revive any pawnAnyone
Revive meAnyone
Set favorite colorAnyoneSets the user's pawn's favorite color to the color specified. The color can be a name or a hexcode.
Set favourite colourAnyoneSets the user's pawn's favourite colour to the colour specified. The colour can be a name or a hex code.
Set karmaModeratorSets the current karma for a given user.
SurgeryAnyonePurchases the part specified and queues it for surgery on your pawn.
Toggle coinsModeratorToggles coin generation.
Toggle storeModerator
Unstick meAnyone
Viewer bodyAnyone
Viewer gearAnyoneShows an overview of your pawn's gear.
Viewer healthAnyoneShows an overview of your pawn's health. If a capacity is specified, it'll show what's affecting it.
Viewer kill countAnyone
Viewer needsAnyone
Viewer relationsAnyoneShows your pawn's relationships to other viewers.
Viewer skillsAnyone
Viewer statsAnyoneShows your current stats within a given category.
Viewer storyAnyone
Viewer workAnyoneShows your pawn's work priorities.