Command | User Level | Description |
Abandon pawn
Usage: !leave | Anyone | Makes your pawn leave the colony. |
Add passion
Usage: !passion | Anyone | Upgrades a skill's passion... sometimes.
This is a shortcut for !buy passion |
Add trait
Usage: !trait | Anyone |
This is a shortcut for !buy trait |
All commands
Usage: !allcommands | Anyone | |
Usage: !backpack - [quantity]
| Anyone | It's like buy item, but it gets added to your inventory if possible.
This is a shortcut for !buy backpack - [quantity]
Usage: !buy | Anyone | |
Usage: !chat [target] | Anyone | Makes your pawn chat with a random pawn. If a viewer is specified, you'll chat with their pawn instead. |
Check balance
Usage: !bal | Anyone | Shows your current balance, karma, and optionally, the amount of coins earned per cycle. |
Check user
Usage: !checkuser | Moderator | Shows the balance of a given user. |
Clean the Map
Usage: !cleanup | Anyone | |
Colonist count
Usage: !colonists | Anyone | |
Colony wealth
Usage: !wealth | Anyone | |
Usage: !rwdata [weaponname] | Anyone | Provides some information about supported things. Supported categories are: 'weapons' |
Deep chat
Usage: !deepchat [target] | Anyone | Makes your pawn have a deep chat a random pawn. If a viewer is specified, you'll have a deep chat with their pawn instead. |
Usage: !divorce | Anyone | |
Dye apparel
Usage: !dye | Anyone | |
Usage: !factions | Anyone | |
Fix all pawns
Usage: !fixallpawns | Moderator | |
Fix viewer pawn
Usage: !fixmypawn | Anyone | |
Usage: !flirt [target] | Anyone | Makes your pawn flirt with a random pawn. If a viewer is specified, you'll flirt with their pawn instead. |
Full heal
Usage: !fullheal | Anyone |
This is a shortcut for !buy fullheal |
Gift coins
Usage: !giftcoins | Anyone | Gives a viewer some of your coins. |
Give all coins
Usage: !giveallcoins | Moderator | Gives eveyrone coins. |
Give coins
Usage: !givecoins | Moderator | Gives a viewer coins. |
Heal any pawn
Usage: !healanypawn | Anyone |
This is a shortcut for !buy healanypawn |
Heal me
Usage: !healme | Anyone |
This is a shortcut for !buy healme |
Usage: !healall | Anyone |
This is a shortcut for !buy healall |
Installed mods
Usage: !installedmods | Anyone | Shows you the complete list of installed mods. |
Usage: !instructions | Anyone | |
Usage: !insult [target] | Anyone | Makes your pawn insult a random pawn. If a viewer is specified, you'll insult them instead. |
Join queue
Usage: !joinqueue | Anyone | |
Karma explanation
Usage: !whatiskarma | Anyone | |
Karma round
Usage: !karmaround | Moderator | Awards all active viewers coins. |
Level skill
Usage: !levelskill | Anyone | Lets you wager coins to level up a skill of your choosing.
This is a shortcut for !buy levelskill |
Usage: !lookup - [query]
| Anyone | Shows the first few results for the query in the given category. Valid categories are: 'pawns', 'traits', 'items', 'events', 'diseases', 'animals', and 'skills'. |
Usage: !marry | Anyone | |
Mod info
Usage: !modinfo | Anyone | |
Mod settings
Usage: !modsettings | Anyone | |
Passion shuffle
Usage: !passionshuffle [skill] | Anyone | Shuffles your passions. If a skill is specified, you'll be guaranteed a minor passion in it.
This is a shortcut for !buy passionshuffle [skill] |
Price check
Usage: !price - [query]
| Anyone | Similar to the lookup command, except it'll show the price for the first valid match. |
Purchase list
Usage: !purchaselist | Anyone | |
Refresh viewers
Usage: !refreshviewers | Moderator | Updates the current list of active viewers. |
Remove passion
Usage: !removepassion | Anyone | Downgrades a skill's passion... sometimes.
This is a shortcut for !buy removepassion |
Remove trait
Usage: !removetrait | Anyone |
This is a shortcut for !buy removetrait |
Replace trait
Usage: !replacetrait | Anyone | Replaces a trait with a different trait.
This is a shortcut for !buy replacetrait |
Rescue me
Usage: !rescueme | Anyone |
This is a shortcut for !buy rescueme |
Usage: !research [project/item] | Anyone | Shows the current research progress. If a project is specified, it'll show the progress of that instead. |
Revive all
Usage: !reviveall | Anyone |
This is a shortcut for !buy reviveall |
Revive any pawn
Usage: !reviveanypawn | Anyone |
This is a shortcut for !buy reviveanypawn |
Revive me
Usage: !reviveme | Anyone |
This is a shortcut for !buy reviveme |
Set favorite color
Usage: !setfavoritecolor | Anyone | Sets the user's pawn's favorite color to the color specified. The color can be a name or a hexcode. |
Set favourite colour
Usage: !setfavouritecolour | Anyone | Sets the user's pawn's favourite colour to the colour specified. The colour can be a name or a hex code. |
Set karma
Usage: !setkarma | Moderator | Sets the current karma for a given user. |
Usage: !surgery -
| Anyone | Purchases the part specified and queues it for surgery on your pawn.
This is a shortcut for !buy surgery -
Toggle coins
Usage: !togglecoins | Moderator | Toggles coin generation. |
Toggle store
Usage: !togglestore | Moderator | |
Usage: !unstick | Moderator | |
Unstick me
Usage: !imstuck | Anyone | |
Viewer body
Usage: !mypawnbody | Anyone | |
Viewer gear
Usage: !mypawngear | Anyone | Shows an overview of your pawn's gear. |
Viewer health
Usage: !mypawnhealth [capacity] | Anyone | Shows an overview of your pawn's health. If a capacity is specified, it'll show what's affecting it. |
Viewer kill count
Usage: !mypawnkills | Anyone | |
Viewer needs
Usage: !mypawnneeds | Anyone | |
Viewer relations
Usage: !mypawnrelations [viewer] | Anyone | Shows your pawn's relationships to other viewers. |
Viewer skills
Usage: !mypawnskills | Anyone | |
Viewer stats
Usage: !mypawnstats [stat1] [stat2] | Anyone | Shows your current stats within a given category. |
Viewer story
Usage: !mypawnstory | Anyone | |
Viewer work
Usage: !mypawnwork [worktype=priority] [...] | Anyone | Shows your pawn's work priorities. |
Usage: !hello | Moderator | |